Friday, February 11, 2011

Me back!

Hey, it's me, Miss Min Hara. FishyMeannieHara is not here today. ^^

Hamkke haejun geudaege hangbogeul~~ I wish I can sing that song with a very happy feeling. i don't know why I felt down this week. And I also made that stupid video. Can I tell you guys something? I'm sorry because it's not a SuJu post today. >.<

I want to tell that someone this:

Can I ask you something? I really need you to answer it HONESTLY. I don't care what your answer may be, but please do answer it from the bottom of your heart.

Do you really care about me?

Would you even care for me if I didn't tell you about my personal problems?

Have you ever once lie to me? It's okay if you have once, I'm ready to forgive.

I'm sorry for being like this, asking you some silly and perfectly nonsense questions. But thee questions are really making me miserable, without answers.

It's okay if you don't have the time to read this thing, I understand. Well, I have to accept it though. It's okay too if you don't want to answer those because before this I've asked you too much right? But there's only one thing that I want you to know.


I sounded a little bit cheesy eh? Well, I know, I just wanna write this. Actually, I want to send this thing to him, but I don't have enough guts to do it. I'm such a coward, aren't I?

by, Miss Min Hara.

Friday, February 4, 2011

My heart says....

hello, everyone. Today FishyMeanieHara won't be updating. Me instead, Miss Min Hara. Have you watched the video? I don't care if you want to watch it or not, but if you watch it, then thanks. I've been suffered all this time, till now in fact. I don't have no one else to tell my problems, so I made a choice, to tell everyone about it. It hurts me, when I cry alone in my room, without no one to hug. I'm still hoping for someone that could hug me, make me feel warm. At least for a few seconds could do. People might say, I'm doing this for people's symphaty. No, I'm not asking for your symphaty... I just need you guys to know, and to hear my heart's ache. Thanks for watching, though.

by, Miss Min Hara.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Birthday, EvilGaemGyu!

Saengil chukha hamnida, Kyuhyunnieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

miss Min Hara: It's not like Kyuhyun going to read your wish, Fish.

Miss! At least I'm wishing him! eventhough he's not my bias at all. but it doesn't matter right?! Yah, miss, why don't you wish him????

miss Min Hara: I am wishing... Happy Birthday, Kyuhyun-sshi.

Ahhh, whatever. Anyways, have a great year, Kyuhyun!

by, FishyMeanieHara.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Yesung got hit by a glowstick?

Watching Yesung got hit by that thing, really hurts ELF's heart. People even say that's not a glowstick! It's kinda look like a chilli or something. But it's super freaking damn hard, making Yesung's shocked a bit. Okay, not a bit, A LOT SHOCKED by that! You people who throws that thing, if you're an anti, there's no use to do that, because ELFs are stronger than what you have thought. But it really wonders me.... An anti wills to buy a ticket to Super Junior Super Show???? You're now officially being an ENEMY for ELF. Understood? Here's some videos that I found on Youtube. We can see clearly, YESUNG'S KINDA HURT.

Video 1

Video 2

I also got some information, not only Yesung got hit... Eunhyuk and Sungmin too. But Sungmin was hit by a teddy bear.... ON HIS FACE. How rude is that??? People, please, don't hurt Super Junior.

by, FishyMeanieHara.

[Miss Min Hara is being silent this time~~]

What If Naega Geudael?

What if naega geudael... Meonjeo mannasseoddamyeon? Ani charari na, geudaereul mollasseoddamyeon...

What if I... met you first? No... if I didn't know you...

Yeah, what if I didn't know you? what if I didn't know you, Super Junior? i don't think this blog would be exist. I don't think I'm in front of the pc tonight. i don't think my name would be FishyMeanieHara. And I don't think I could be this filled.

*just a random post to show my soft and touching side*

ELF. What the hell is that? Stop asking, people. Ever Lasting Friend. A fan club of a Korean Wave Star, ooops, I mean, a Global Wave Group Superstar, Super Junior. People who is STILL didn't enter the world of KPOP would say, "Kpop fans are so crazy." Well, take notes here. Try to be US. You'll be crazy too. Why I said such things? Because I, Me, FishyMeanieHara, once been a Kpop Antis. Well, not so anti. But sort of.

Back then, I would say to Kpop fans, "What's so great about Kpop?". I even once said, "Who the hell is Super Junior? The name was so... euwh. Junior? Are they kids???"

But now? I'm a die-hard ELF. Most of all, I'm one of the proud ELFishes. *Donghae!!* [Miss Min Hara: YAH, keep your fangirl's mode!!]

A lot of things that makes me attract to Super Junior. Most of it were because of the members itself. Top reason, their seriously-damn-freaking-cute face. People who says that their faces are just normal is seriously having an eye disease. You better go to a nearby eye specialist. Your eyes are having some problems. Back to the story. Where was I? Oh yeah, the face. For example. Eunhyuk, our Lee Hyukjae. The most handsome, cute, adorable monkey in this huge world. He has a very perfect jawline. His eyes are not so tiny, plus his pink-gums-smile. Even my grandmother likes him.

Well, not just only because of their face. It's because of their talents too, of course. For example, Yesung and Kyuhyun. The cloud, and The evil maknae. Their voices are really different. It's hard to find a voice like their's, especially Kyuhyun's.

I got a lot of reasons actually. But because it was already midnight, and Miss Min Hara the fussy girl is starting to yell when am I going to sleep,


umh, nothing, Miss! Okay then, that's all for now! See you soon!


*i'm dead*

*Super Junior: JALJAYO! *

by, FishyMeanieHara