Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Yesung got hit by a glowstick?

Watching Yesung got hit by that thing, really hurts ELF's heart. People even say that's not a glowstick! It's kinda look like a chilli or something. But it's super freaking damn hard, making Yesung's shocked a bit. Okay, not a bit, A LOT SHOCKED by that! You people who throws that thing, if you're an anti, there's no use to do that, because ELFs are stronger than what you have thought. But it really wonders me.... An anti wills to buy a ticket to Super Junior Super Show???? You're now officially being an ENEMY for ELF. Understood? Here's some videos that I found on Youtube. We can see clearly, YESUNG'S KINDA HURT.

Video 1

Video 2

I also got some information, not only Yesung got hit... Eunhyuk and Sungmin too. But Sungmin was hit by a teddy bear.... ON HIS FACE. How rude is that??? People, please, don't hurt Super Junior.

by, FishyMeanieHara.

[Miss Min Hara is being silent this time~~]

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