Sunday, January 30, 2011

I Wanna Go!!!

Wanna go? Where? Oh, Miss Min Hara wanna go to Super Show 3 in Malaysia...! Wanna follow her? LOL, she's even not sure about that yet.

*Miss Min Hara: Yup, FishyMeanieHara. you're right, I'm still not sure of it.

See? Told you. Oh, If Miss Min Hara could go, I want to follow her! Can I, Miss?

*Miss Min Hara: Sure you can, silly. You're my beloved me!

Thank you, Miss!!

Back to the point. SS3 in Malaysia will be held in 19th of March 2011. The venue is Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil. I really Want to go there, since 19th March is equal to a year I'm being an ELF. yeah, I'm just a new ELF actually. I want to feel the force of Super Junior. I want to see their tired face in front of my eyes. And I want them, to know, I'm one of the crazy screaming freaking loud crowd. yeah, sounds EUWHHH. I know, but this is what all of the ELFs want. Don't deny it.

Next! News from Super Show 3 in Singapore. Kyuhyun cried, because fans holding a banner with "We <3 Kyuhyun" on it. I cried, because he cried!!!

*Miss Min Hara: I cried too!!! >.<

T_T .

That's all for now, I'm going to update my fanfiction! It has been approximately a month and two days I didn't update it. Annyeong! Miss, say something!

*Miss Min Hara: Ne~, annyeong. Thanks for reading!

p/s: The writer of this blog is known as FishyMeanieHara, while the owner is Miss Min Hara. We're both are actually the same person. I like to speak to myself. ^^

by, FishyMeanieHara =)

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