Monday, January 31, 2011

Siti Sarah binti Azmi.

Miss Min Hara:
d-d-d-d-d-d-dooon't leave me!

calm down, Miss. I know you love her freaking damn much.... which is, ME TOO. Tell me, who won't love that Turtle??? I know at first she seems like..... "what are you looking at, stupidass?!"...... but she's actually a very loveable, kind, freakin' nice person! I remembered the first time she enters our class, year of 2009. First impression towards her, "Gosh, that girl is TOTALLY NOT GOING TO BE MY FRIEND." but now, after 2years++, SHE'S NOW MY BEST FRIEND. 

Turtle, Budu, MathFreak, Sera, I LOVE YOU SO DAMN MUCH. It's hard for me to be alone in the class, without a GreenManiacGirl beside me, but I'll try...

If you're destinied to forget me, remember, that I'll never forget you, Siti Sarah bt Azmi. ^^

by, FishyMeanieHara

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